Quest:Feeding a Small Army

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Feeding a Small Army
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Ningêna
Starts at Sûru
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [27.3S, 77.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have learned that being a commander is not just planning for battles. Keeping your warriors well-fed is key to victory. A hungry army is less effective and could lead to desertions. We are not low on supplies, but I want to shore up our meat reserves. Fen-wallowers live in a place east of here that we call Shegdush. If you wouldn't mind doing so, hunting some and bringing back the meat would be helpful.'


Ningêna would like more meat added to their stockpile at Sûru.

Objective 1

Shegdush, located east of Sûru, has a sizable wild boar population. You should go there and hunt fen-wallowers for Ningêna.

Ningêna: 'Fen-wallowers live in a place east of here that we call Shegdush. If you wouldn't mind doing so, hunting some and bringing back the meat would be helpful.'
Collected fen-wallower meat (8/8)

Objective 2

You have hunted fen-wallowers and collected their meat. You should bring it to Ningêna in Sûru.

Ningêna: '<name>, you return with meat! I will see that it is cured for storage. Thank you!'